Please indulge us as we give you a little background…..When we were looking at joining forces and me leaving chiropractic, one of the biggest challenges for us was health insurance for the family. Like many families, many times one person’s “job” provides the family with insurance. Others are just plain struggling to get comprehensive yet affordable insurance for themselves or family.
As leaders, when you think of this team (your team) we want it to be synonymous with excellence. In fact when you think excellence, exceeding expectations or innovation, we want you to think of and be proud of this team.
We are excited to inform you of a partnership that will bring some exciting options to the team…
- The ability for anyone who has a distributer status on the Cloud 9 team to obtain Group style health insurance.
- Complete a-la-cart choices for Health, Life, Professional Liability, Home and Auto
- We have always had two reasons to share/join YL, the product or the business, now affordable health insurance gives us the third.
Join us at one of the following locations and dates to get your questions answered and find out more. The professionals from the LeClaire Group will be joining us and we will only be doing these dates and times initially, so don’t miss out if this interests you. Due to the affordable care act there is only one time per year when you can openly enroll in a new health care plan…October will be here before you know it.
*Please note, currently this is only available for those with residence in Minnesota but more states to follow next year.